
"Rectangular Bathroom Tiles is a collection of memories. Falling in love for the first time, going to the cabin for a weekend getaway and drinking wine for liquid courage because you decided ahead of time this weekend was when you were going to say “I love you” for the first time but then getting too scared to say it and then he says it first instead. Spending New Years Eve together with 8 of his guy best friends and you dance until 8 in the morning (it wasn’t boring). Introducing someone to your friends and family for the first time and being terrified of falling in love but letting yourself be lead by your heart into the dive. These are some of the memories that inspired me to write the song and in my mind they form a pattern of perfectly laid rectangular bathroom tiles. I hope the song inspires you to think about which memories make up your perfectly laid bathroom tiles"
- Kristin Sesselja
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Perfect for me

Perfect for me is the perfect song to sing with all of the windows down in a car full of your friends on a hot summer day. In it, Kristin talks about not letting a stupid boy get away with treating her like poorly. She reclaims the power by saying "you'd be perfect for me, if I had no standards."

Breakup Blues
Breakup Blues is Kristin's sophmore EP and it's one of her most mature, personal and poppy releases. Containing the singles "FUCKBOYS" and "What Would I Do Without You?" the EP deals with various emotions through the trauma of heartbreak and follows her on a journey to self acceptance and finding happiness through all the sadness. Although being only 20 years old her music is relatable to people of all ages.
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Meet Kristin Sesselja, the hyper-talented musical poet who, emboldened by a stream of rejection throughout her teenage years, is stepping into her own sense of woman with a huge heart and a lot of love to share. Her songs immediately evoke images we can all relate to - love stories fueled by heartbreak - yet injected with an emotional maturity this fiercely independent Icelander has cultivated since a young age. Steeped in romance, empowerment and personal (yet relatable) lyrics, Kristin Sesselja’s songs will strike a chord deep in your heart and soul. Her fellow countrymen already love her - Kristin was nominated for Newcomer of the Year in 2021 (plus numerous Nordic playlist features) and you are sure to fall in love with this young Icelandic lyricist. The second half of this year will have you crushing on Kristin Sesselja - keep an eye out for a new EP.